Interviews and texts

In the work of Loris Cecchini (born in Milan, 1969), photography, drawing, sculpture and installation combine to form a unified poetics . Cecchini’s work owes as much to his expertise of a broad range of media as to his indefatigable curiosity. The subjects that appear in his work include multiple collages and detailed architectural models, objects in rubber, reinvented caravans and tree houses, structurally distorted spaces, and prismatic, transparent covers and surfaces.

His series Monologue Patterns are idealized dwelling systems on wheel, small spaces designed around the idea of caravan, the trailer, the roulotte, a nomadic space for definition, combining sculpture and the tradition of utopic architecture to form a spatial and visual - poetical experience; some of them are up on the trees, with different characteristics, but always as places related to a sort of “poetical distance”.

Incorporating elements from various interdisciplinary fields from chemistry to groundbreaking technologies, his work playfully investigates the limits of creation generating a continuous detection of exciting art outcomes whose definitions are ever changing.
Biological metaphor and motion represent core philosophies behind the artist’s investigation and fundamental basis in his projects.
His Wallwave Vibration series or what the artist refers to as ‘extruding bodies’, a physical manifestation of a pulsation resembling a fluid’s whose balance has been disseminated to form a delicate electromagnetic wave. With these works, the context of the space is transformed and fragility is incorporated within the supporting structure as the artist simultaneously uses space as a subject and material, establishing at the same time new definitions of sculpture.

Cecchini has continuously introduced the concept of the organic element as a central element of his work, in part as an exploration of the idea of the object and its inherent materiality but also as a minimalist practice. Acting with the lens of a scientist, Cecchini closely examines his modules initially starting with basic 3D or watercolor studies moving forward toward the particularity of natural elements
Cecchini’s module-based installations, a calculated chain of stainless steel elements originating from his preliminary inquiries again using organism, as a leitmotif in his work to address the intricate evolution of art in relation to sciences. In a wide range of works, Cecchini join together his steel modules to form a semblance of climbing plants, corals or crystals structures, organically deriving in an array of bewildering trails contrasting the deliberate intention of the propagation.

Jade Vlietstra


Fluctuation, 2023 in AAVV. Waterbones (nightfall), Arte nel Paesaggio, a cura di Giada Rodani e Jade Vlietstra, Federighi Editori, Certaldo, 2023 (Italian/English) ISBN 979-12-80681-33-1 ...more

Giada Rodani


A vision augmented by the universe, in AAVV. Waterbones (nightfall), Arte nel Paesaggio, a cura di Giada Rodani e Jade Vlietstra, Federighi Editori, Certaldo, 2023 (Italian/English) ISBN 979-12-80681-33-1 ...more

Riccardo Caldura


Emulsione, Atrio Monumentale ASP ITIS, Trieste, Italy, 12/04/2019 - 08/06/2019 ...more

Marco Tonelli


Waterbones: spazio di relazioni, in Loris Cecchini. Hypermeasures, Spoleto, Manfredi Editioni, 2019 (Italian/English) ISBN: 979-12-80049-50-6 ...more

Lorenzo Fiorucci


Loris Cecchini Waterbones. La scultura come sistema, in Loris Cecchini. Hypermeasures, Spoleto, Manfredi Editioni, 2019 (Italian/English) ISBN: 979-12-80049-50-6 ...more

Cecchini progetta fossili


Il giornale dell'Arte, febbraio 2018 ...more

Stefano Pezzato


Waterbones, Loris Cecchini, in Waterbones, Gruppo Editoriale, 2018 Prato,(Italian/English) ...more

Thomas W. Eller


Liminality in Loris Cecchini, Emotional Diagrams and Other Micrologies, New York, Leila Heller Gallery, 2014 (English) ...more

Marco Meneguzzo


Module and model in I quaderni 3, Milan, Fondazione Arnaldo Pomodoro, 2014 (Italian/English) ...more

A dialogue on the structure and its absence and other things


Loris Cecchini interviewed by Marco Meneguzzo in Loris Cecchini, Modulo e modello, The Arnaldo Pomodoro Award for Sculpture, I quaderni 3, Milan, Fondazione Arnaldo Pomodoro, 2014 (Italian/English) ...more

Franziska Nori


in Aerial Boundaries, curated by F. Nori, Palazzo Strozzi, Florence, Italy 30/04/2012 - 01/07/2012 ...more

interview by Frederic Bonnet


Le Journal des Artes, n.321 2010 ...more

Marcello Carriero


LORIS CECCHINI, Monologue Patterns ...more

Conversazione tra Loris Cecchini e Alessandro Castiglioni


Perdere il reale per ridefinire il reale ...more

Intervista per ABC


intervista a Loris Cecchini ...more

Mimmo di Marzio


Technological Hybridation in AAVV, The Five Rings. Cinque artisti al Forte di Exilles, Milan, Allemandi, 2006 ...more

Jèrome Sans


A lenticular dialogue, in Arte all’Arte (6° edizione), a cura di Jérome Sans e Pier Luigi Tazzi, progetto speciale, Colle di Val d’Elsa, Italia, Gli Ori, Siena, 2001 ...more

Luca Cerizza


L’ultimo spettacolo, in Loris Cecchini, Heidelberg, Heidelberger Kunstverein (Italian/English/German) ...more

Gianfranco Maraniello


BBBreathless in 49° Esposizione Internazionale d’Arte La Biennale di Venezia, Platea dell’Umanità curated by Harald Szeemann, Milan, Electa, 2001 ...more

Hans Gercke


Mind the Gap in Loris Cecchini, Heidelberg, Heidelberger Kunstverein (Italian/English/German) 2001 ...more

Achille Bonito Oliva


Loris Cecchini e la porta dell’attimo in Sketchbook,>2000>2003, Maschietto&Musolino editore, Firenze ...more

Alessandra Pioselli


Palcoscenici per giocare, AAVV, Loris Cecchini, Galleria Continua San Gimignano, Edizioni NuovaLitoEffe, Castelvetro Piacentino (PC), Gennaio 2000 ...more

Gianfranco Maraniello


Essere giocati dall’artista AAVV, Loris Cecchini, Cargo, Associazione Percorsi, Neaples, 2000 ...more

Luca Pancrazzi


Sparire costruendo palafitte in Invita, Galleria Continua, San Gimignano, 1997 pag.31-34 ...more

Federico Tanzi-Mira


The impossible man in Pause in Background, Caserta, Galleria Studio Legale, 1997 (Italian/English) ...more

Ludovico Pratesi


descrizioni e appunti sul lavoro di loris cecchini ...more

Augusto Pieroni


Stereoreale in Loris Cecchini, Istituto Italiano di Cultura, Köln, 1999 ...more

Augusto Pieroni


21st CENTURY SCHYZOID MAN in N. 1 Numero Uno. Periodico del Palazzo delle Papesse centro arte contemporanea. Siena.1998 ...more