The orbital promenade, chorus of solstices, 2023

Polished 316 stainless steel; 7x5.7x5.5 m
Monterosa 91, Milan

Cecchini's polished steel sculpture, installed amidst the trees and the plants in the Parco della Luce, is a body with an organic, dynamic, open, molecular form that exists in dialogue with the space, sunlight and plant life all around it. A monumental presence to stumble upon during a stroll through the park, also visible from far away as a kind of gleaming metallic beacon, the artwork consists of a cluster of eight hundred irregular, curved, reflective elements that are welded together, with the potential to replicate and expand indefinitely. A mysterious piece of architecture which serves as a break for the eyes, amplifying the
perception of the garden.

Technical construction by
Studio Loris Cecchini, con Filippo Moroni, Alise Sicuri e LF Italy Srl;
Francesco Giorli (ingegnerizzazione); M.C.I. Srl (montaggio).
Courtesy Galleria Continua / International contemporary art gallery

Photographer: Jade Vlietstra

The orbital promenade, chorus of solstices, 2023

Polished 316 stainless steel; 7x5.7x5.5 m
Monterosa 91, Milan

Cecchini's polished steel sculpture, installed amidst the trees and the plants in the Parco della Luce, is a body with an organic, dynamic, open, molecular form that exists in dialogue with the space, sunlight and plant life all around it. A monumental presence to stumble upon during a stroll through the park, also visible from far away as a kind of gleaming metallic beacon, the artwork consists of a cluster of eight hundred irregular, curved, reflective elements that are welded together, with the potential to replicate and expand indefinitely. A mysterious piece of architecture which serves as a break for the eyes, amplifying the
perception of the garden.

Technical construction by
Studio Loris Cecchini, con Filippo Moroni, Alise Sicuri e LF Italy Srl;
Francesco Giorli (ingegnerizzazione); M.C.I. Srl (montaggio).
Courtesy Galleria Continua / International contemporary art gallery

Photographer: Jade Vlietstra